Hi friends!
I've been a terrible blogger :( I had a lot going on the last few weeks! I co-hosted my baby cousins Bridal Shower, so I had been in full on party planning mode! Which is no excuse not to get on & update, but it was mine :) My husband got sick, then passed it on to me & now our little man has it! The last 2 nights have been sleepless for our family.
Although I have not posted in awhile, I've been cooking up some yummy food to share with you all! I've just been writing out all my recipes as I've made them. And since it's rainy out today, be on the lookout for a yummy recipe to be posted later today!
I just wanted to hop on here while I was sitting here cuddling with my little one & say hello! Also, in the next few weeks at some point, my blog will be getting a face lift! I have someone designing an awesome layout for me. So if you are looking for a recipe, it will be easy peasy to find!!
Again, I just want to express how much you all have blessed & encouraged me on this new blog journey! It is so uplifting to personally hear from you all!
Looking forward to some new recipes!