Feb 28, 2014

Fresh Start

So I've gotta tell you all... You have BLOWN ME AWAY with how many views my page received in just 24 hours! I am so humbled & grateful to have you all on this journey with me! I don't know what the etiquette is for blogging, if I should do one a day or not. Sooooo, with that said. I'm kind of just going to go with the flow. Like I said yesterday, I want this to be an open flow of communication. I want to hear from you all! So comment, email me, whatever it may be! :) Ok, so with that said, here I go! 

First up, I HAVE to share with you my new obsession. My new "Fresh Start" And it's a Breakfast Smoothie. Yes, you read that correctly, a Smoothie. My friend Brooke, who BTW, is awesome :) She has been encouraging me,on my Healthy Journey, with sending me recipes. She as well has adopted a new Health regime that is similar to mine. We both have to give all credit to Dr. Oz on this recipe :) But if not for her, I wouldn't have known about it!

The recipe is as follows: 

1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk (I use Unsweetened Vanilla Flavored because that's just what Danny & I always have) 
4-5 Frozen Strawberries (or any berry you like, equivalent to this amount, also, Frozen so that you don't need ice) 
1/2 of a Frozen Banana 
2 TBSP Ground Flaxseed 
2 TBSP Rice Protein (I used Brown Rice Protein, can find it in the Organic/Healthy area of Grocery) 

Just blend that all up in the Mixer of your choice, and BOOM! Here's what you get!

I cannot stress to you how great this is. It will keep you full for a good 3 hours at least! I've always struggled with staying full after breakfast. I was watching one of Dr. Oz's videos about his new 2 Week Detox, and he said this.. "You crave more food when eating Wheat" so there you have it, from the Dr himself :) I hope you will make this recipe! 

Onto the next topic, it will be a short one.. Jeremiah Lamar :) We were heading out to the Gym this morning, which was followed by a play date. When walking to the car, he ran to MY door first & said.. "Let me open your door first Momma!" Say whaaaaaaat? He is so polite & considerate. I think Danny & I can say, we are raising such a compassionate little gentleman. I don't know what I would do without him. We had such a fun day together today. He says & does the funniest things! I have to share this cute picture with you all :)
I mean, it is Flash Back Friday after all right? This was last year! Those EYES! 

Well I must be off, my other main man should be walking through the door from work at any moment!.


Feb 27, 2014

New Beginnings

Do you ever have those moments where, you have a really deep desire to do something, but self doubt just completely over takes your thoughts? It could be the most minuet thing, like trying a new recipe, a new hairstyle, a healthier lifestyle, redecorating your home, joining the worship team at church, joining a new life group, STARTING A BLOG?!? That's just my small list :) and satan just creeps his little puny self right on in & says, Who, you? You think YOU can do that? No way. And then he begins to list reasons in your mind as to why you could never accomplish such things. And we start to believe these lies, and we start to look at our past failures & even for me, current failures. And we retreat into our own messed up thoughts about ourselves. Anyone with me?! Can I get a witness out there?! I was at a Celebrate Recovery meeting on Tuesday night, and I kept being reminded of this over & over... Yes, in a lot of instances in life, we cannot do certain things, BUT GOD. He can, he does, he will! My oh my.... I want above all for this Journey I have started today, to be a time that I just share my heart with you. There will be times where there will be light, funny moments. I'll share some Jeremiah moments of course :) I mean come on, the kid is hysterical! But there will be times of struggle in my life, times I will need some accountability. I want this blog to be an open communication zone. Let's face it, who in this crazy world we live in, doesn't need these things? I of course plan to share a lot of recipes. In the last few years, my life has been, oh let's see, chaotic? I've let some things interfere with my well being, and I've let myself go health wise. So after reading the book Wheat Belly, I decided to embark on a new lifestyle of living & eating. Do I think everyone has to follow this lifestyle? Um no, I'm still trying to get my own husband on board! :) But it's what I am doing.

I am prayerfully going into this blog world. I want Christ to be the center of every word I type. I am not a perfect writer, I am not a perfect person. I am Leslie Brooke Engle the First :) I am saved by the Grace of God. I am the wife to Danny Engle for the last 10 years now. I am Jeremiah Lamar's Momma. I'm a lot of other things, but my point is, I'm just Me.

So pray with me, hop on this journey with me! And by all means, interact with me! I want to get to know each & everyone of you so desperately.

I love these words by Bethany Dillon...
You make me beautiful,
you make me stand in awe
you step inside my heart
and I am amazed.
I love to hear you say
who I am is quite enough.
You make me worthy of love
and Beautiful...
